APacCHRIE 2025

Transforming to The Future:
Innovation, AI and Regenerative Tourism and Hospitality

Conference Theme

Transforming to The Future:
Innovation, AI and Regenerative Tourism and Hospitality
Host by
Chiang Mai University

Latest Update

Important Dates

Registration Date
Early February, 2025
Deadline for abstracts or full papers submission
March 15, 2025, 6:00 PM (HK time)
Final Version Submission
April 5, 2025, 6:00 PM (HK Time)
Conference date
May 27 - 30, 2025


International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (ICHRIE), a non-profit professional association, provides programs and services to continually improve the quality of global education, research, service and business operations in the hospitality and tourism industry.

ICHRIE, an inclusive, collegial association, values creative, ethical and progressive action and improvement of global hospitality and tourism education and research.

We have six (6) regional areas called Federations that span the globe. When you join International CHRIE, you also become a member of the Federation and can advantage of the conference and networking closer to your location. For more information about Federations, click here.


The Asia-Pacific Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (APacCHRIE) is the leading hospitality and tourism education association within the Asia–Pacific Region. Our members are from more than 18 countries or regions, and more than 75 leading universities within the Asia–Pacific region. As a member of APacCHRIE, you will receive tremendous benefits. In addition, once you are a member of APacCHRIE, you will automatically become a member of the International CHRIE (ICHRIE) and enjoy the benefits of connecting with members for the Asia–Pacific region, but to a global network of educators and industry organisations from five other CHRIE federations including: EuroCHRIE; Southeast, Central and South America; Northeast and North America; Central American States; West American States. Here at APacCHRIE we are devoted to helping our members to develop their professional career and improve hospitality and tourism education and research within the region.

The membership is divided into three types:
  • Individual Membership
  • Institutional Membership
  • Premium Membership
  • For more information about the APacCHRIE membership, click here.